Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.

Department of Mapping and Cartography
Motto •
Personal details
- Family name: Landa
- First name: Martin
- Date of birth: 17th May 1981
- Place of birth: Louny<ref name="louny_maps">Louny on</ref>, Czech Republic<ref name="cz_wikipedia">Czech Republic on</ref><ref name="cz_uncyclopedia">Czech Republic on</ref>
- Nationality: Czech
A short Curriculum Vitae in English • Czech
- Address: Thakurova 7, Prague 6 (room B802)
- Loc: 50°6'11.685"N, 14°23'13.684"E (map)
- Phone number: +420 224 354 644
- E-mail: martin.landa
- Homepage: • OSGeo profile
- currently • PhD., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography
- Dissertation thesis: GRASS GIS vector architecture
- 1999-2005 • Ing., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography
- Master thesis: Implementation of a GRASS module for importing data in Czech cadastral exchange data format (in Czech)
- 1995-1999 • Gymnázium Josefa Jungmanna in Litoměřice<ref name="ltm_maps">Litoměřice on</ref>
Work experience
- 10/2008 • CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mapping and Cartography
- 01/2007-09/2008 • FBK (MPBA), Trento, Italy
- Member of The GRASS Development Team and GRASS Project Steering Committee ( since 2006
- GDAL/OGR developer ( since 2009
Research interests
- Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Laboratory
- Free Software in geoinformatics
- Contribution in GRASS GIS development
- Contribution in GDAL/OGR development
See also:
- Winter semester
- Zpracování obrazových dat (Remote sensing)
- GIS 1 (Basic GIS course)
- Informatika 2 (Programming in C++)
- Summer semester
- Free software GIS (available also in English, see also other courses in English)
- Úvod do zpracování prostorových dat (Introduction into spatial data processing)
- Projekt - Informatika 2
- GIS 2 (Advanced GIS course)
Room B802 / B869, winter semester 2012/2013
- Wednesday 15:00-16:00
Or any time based on the agreement (please contact me by mail).
List of available topics for Bc. and MSc. thesis (in Czech).
Defended thesis
- Anna Kratochvílová: Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Data in GRASS GIS
- Diplomová práce, 01/2013, A
- Štěpán Turek: Implementace podpory WMS do programů GRASS GIS a SGA GIS
- Bakalářská práce, 06/2012, A
- Zdeněk Růžička: Workflow Builder pro Quantum GIS
- Diplomová práce, 06/2012, A
- Martin Lžíčař. Podpora pro „all-in-one“ projekty v programu QGIS
- Bakalářská práce, 06/2012, C
- Anna Kratochvílová: Grafické uživatelské rozhraní pro tvorbu mapových výstupů v systému GRASS
- Bakalářská práce, 06/2011, A
- Luboš Truhlář: Vytvoření webové aplikace pro autostop pomocí frameworku Django
- Bakalářská práce, 09/2010, A
List of publications in HTML • PDF • TXT format.
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