Ing. Petr Soukup, Ph.D./en

Dept. of Mapping and Cartography
Personal data
- Family name: Soukup
- First name: Petr
- Nationality: Czech
- Institution: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Mapping and Cartography
- Address: Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic
- Tel: (+420) 224 354 651
- E-mail:
- 1987 - Ing., CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering (MSc. thesis: Methods of data image proccesing analysis)
- 2002 - Ph.D., CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering (PhD. thesis: Application of Database Technologies in Digital Cartography)
- 2004 - Bc., CTU in Prague, Masaryk institute of advanced studies (E-learning and Education of Technical Subjects)
- 1987 - 1989: Geodetic and Cartographic Enterprise, Prague - Research Assistant
- 1989 - 1990: Centre of geodesy Příbram - Geodesist
- 1990 - 1991: ČKD Praha comp. - Computer centre - Programmer analyst
- since 1991: CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Mapping and Cartography - Assistant
- Interactive graphical systems
- On-line distance learning
- Programming, database systems, internet services
- 1998 - 2003: cooperation with Gepro comp. - development of complex land adjustment computerization
- 1999 - 2002: cooperation with EUROATLAS association - development of digital orienteering map atlas
- 2000 - since: cooperation with Czech Language Institute of The Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic - IT support
- resolved projects (in Czech)
- publications (in Czech)
- administration of computer rooms B870 and B973 (in Czech)