155ISDP Introduction to Spatial Data Processing
Basic Information
- Up-to-date and complete information are ON THIS PAGE
- Code: 155ISDP
- Lectures:
- Practical classes:
Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D. (head of the classes), Ing. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.
- lectures per week: 2 hours
- exercises per week: 2 hours
- Credits: 6
- finished with: an exam / project
- summer semester
Introduction into geospatial data processing. Various workflow automation techniques (interactive tools, Python programming language, and Structured Query Language). Demonstration of various processing environments (desktop applications, database environments, cloud-based computing).
Course tutors: Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.
- (22.2.) Introduction into GIS, open geospatial datasets
- (01.3.) Geospatial data and web services
- (08.3.) Data processing automation
- (15.3.) Introduction into Python data processing (Esri)
- (22.3.) Introduction into Python data processing (open source)
- (29.3.) Geospatial Python packages
(05.4.) No tuition- (12.4.) Space-time geospatial data processing
- (19.4.) Introduction into databases, SQL
- (26.4.) Geospatial data in SQL
- (03.5.) Geospatial data processing in SQL
(10.5.) No tuition- (17.5.) Cloud-based geospatial data processing
Materials: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/
Sample data: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/data
JupyterHub: http://gislab.fsv.cvut.cz:8000/hub
Install instructions for MS Windows
In Jupyter notebook run
!pip install pandas geopandas
<bibtex> @book{neteler2004open,
title={Open Source GIS: A Grass GIS Approach}, author={Neteler, M. and Mitasova, H.}, isbn={9781402080647}, lccn={04051566}, series={The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science Series}, url={http://books.google.cz/books?id=Qvp9iFg\_WPEC}, year={2004}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Pub}
} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{sherman2008desktop,
title={Desktop GIS: Mapping the Planet With Open Source Tools}, author={Sherman, G.E.}, isbn={9781934356067}, lccn={2010280046}, series={Pragmatic Bookshelf Series}, url={http://books.google.cz/books?id=xZ7tHwAACAAJ}, year={2008}, publisher={Pragmatic Bookshelf}
} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{hall2008open,
title={Open Source Approaches in Spatial Data Handling}, author={Hall, G.B. and Leahy, M.G.}, isbn={9783540748311}, lccn={2008932589}, series={Advances in geographic information science}, url={http://books.google.cz/books?id=JZNuu8XODQMC}, year={2008}, publisher={Springer London, Limited}
} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{ramm2010openstreetmap,
title={OpenStreetMap: Using and Enhancing the Free Map of the World}, author={Ramm, F. and Topf, J. and Chilton, S.}, isbn={9781906860110}, url={http://books.google.cz/books?id=AnCNQQAACAAJ}, year={2010}, publisher={Uit Cambridge Limited}
} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{de2007geospatial,
title={Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools}, author={De Smith, M.J. and Goodchild, M.F. and Longley, P.A.}, isbn={9781905886609}, url={http://books.google.cz/books?id=SULMdT8qPwEC}, year={2007}, publisher={Matador}
} </bibtex>