155CART Cartography: Porovnání verzí

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'''Lecturers:''' [[Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.]], [[prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.]]
{| class="border"
! topic !! presentation
| 1. Mathematical cartography I || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_01.pdf Lecture 1]
| 2. Mathematical cartography II || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_02.pdf Lecture 2]
| 3. Characteristics of cartography, cartographic works || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_03.pdf Lecture 3]
| 4. Map language, content and composition || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_04.pdf Lecture 4]
| 5. Thematic maps I || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_05.pdf Lecture 5]
| 6. Thematic maps II, colours and scales in maps || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_06.pdf Lecture 6]
| 7. History of cartography || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_07.pdf Lecture 7]
| 8. Topographic surveys of the Czech lands || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_08.pdf Lecture 8]
| 9. State map work I || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_09.pdf Lecture 9]
| 10. State map work II || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_10.pdf Lecture 10]
| 11. Project of a cartographic work, copyright || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_11.pdf Lecture 11]
| 12. Colours, colour spaces and reproduction || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_12.pdf Lecture 12]
| 13.12. || Interpolations, geostatistics, terrain and hydrologic analyses || || Bolstad p. 442-460; Smith p. 287-328
| 29.11. || Map Algebra, Cost raster, 3D terrain, TIN || JC || Bolstad p. 371-412; Smith p. 143-157

Thursdays, B973
{| class="wikitable"
|23. 2.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|2. 3.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|9. 3.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|16. 3.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|23. 3.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|30. 3.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|6. 4.
|no exercise, the ''Dean Day''
|13. 4.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|20. 4.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|27. 4.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|4. 5.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|11. 5.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|18. 5.
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]

Verze z 9. 1. 2023, 08:58

Basic Information

  • 2 hours lectures per week
  • 2 hours exercises per week
  • 6 credits
  • finished with an exam
  • summer semester


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Lecturers: Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.

topic presentation
1. Mathematical cartography I Lecture 1
2. Mathematical cartography II Lecture 2
3. Characteristics of cartography, cartographic works Lecture 3
4. Map language, content and composition Lecture 4
5. Thematic maps I Lecture 5
6. Thematic maps II, colours and scales in maps Lecture 6
7. History of cartography Lecture 7
8. Topographic surveys of the Czech lands Lecture 8
9. State map work I Lecture 9
10. State map work II Lecture 10
11. Project of a cartographic work, copyright Lecture 11
12. Colours, colour spaces and reproduction Lecture 12


Thursdays, B973

Date Topic Instructors
23. 2. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
2. 3. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
9. 3. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
16. 3. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
23. 3. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
30. 3. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
6. 4. no exercise, the Dean Day
13. 4. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
20. 4. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
27. 4. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
4. 5. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
11. 5. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger
18. 5. Mgr. Petra Jílková, Ing. Josef Münzberger