155GISE Geographic Information Systems: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 15: Řádek 15:
'''Lecturers:''' [[prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.]], [[Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.]]
'''Lecturers:''' [[prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.]], [[Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.]]
{| class="border"
! topic !! presentation
| 1. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture1.pdf Lecture 1]||
| 2. History of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture2.pdf Lecture 2]||
| 3. Types of data || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture3.pdf Lecture 3]||
| 4. Vector GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture4.pdf Lecture 4]||
| 5. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture5.pdf Lecture 5]||
| 6. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture6.pdf Lecture 6]||
| 7. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture7.pdf Lecture 7]||
| 8. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture8.pdf Lecture 8]||
| 9. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture9.pdf Lecture 9]||
| 10. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture10.pdf Lecture 10]||
| 11. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture11.pdf Lecture 11]||
| 12. Basics of GIS || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/gise/Lecture12.pdf Lecture 12]||
==2022 Course==

Tuesday 12am, B973
Tuesday 12am, B973

Verze z 8. 1. 2023, 16:45

Basic Information

  • 2 hours lectures per week
  • 2 hours exercises per week
  • 6 credits
  • finished with an exam
  • winter semester


  1. Bolstad, P. (2005) GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems. 2nd Edition, Eider Press, White Bear Lake, Minnesota.
  2. De Smith, M.J., Goodchild, M.F. and Longley, P.A. (2015) Geospatial Analysis A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques, and Software Tools.
  3. P. A. Burrough, Rachael McDonnell (1998) Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford University Press.


Lecturers: prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.

topic presentation
1. Basics of GIS Lecture 1
2. History of GIS Lecture 2
3. Types of data Lecture 3
4. Vector GIS Lecture 4
5. Basics of GIS Lecture 5
6. Basics of GIS Lecture 6
7. Basics of GIS Lecture 7
8. Basics of GIS Lecture 8
9. Basics of GIS Lecture 9
10. Basics of GIS Lecture 10
11. Basics of GIS Lecture 11
12. Basics of GIS Lecture 12

2022 Course

Tuesday 12am, B973

date topic lecturer material
27.09. Basics of GIS TJ
04.10. self-study
11.10. Coordinate systems in GIS, cartographic projections, transformations, TJ Bolstad p. 69-121
18.10. self-study
25.10. Vector data, vector models, topology, data creation, attributes, queries TJ Bolstad p. 32-42, 305-307, 326-341; Burroughs p. 58-74
01.11. self-study
08.11. Spatial functions and analysis of vectors JC Bolstad p. 342-361
15.11. self-study
22.11. Raster data, creation of data, compression, georeferencing JC Bolstad p. 51-59; Burroughs p. 51-57
29.11. Map Algebra, Cost raster, 3D terrain, TIN self-study Bolstad p. 371-412
06.12. self-study
15.12. exam test Thursday 3pm


Thursday 8am, B973

Date Topic Instructors
22.9. Course introduction, ArcGIS Pro basics Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
29.9. Coordinate systems, geodatabase, shapefile, reference scale Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
6.10. Vector data (Feature Classes), selections, attribute query, location query Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
13.10. Attribute table, join, spatial join, calculate field, calculate geometry Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
20.10. Creating vector data, editing tools (constraints, snapping, absolute location, fixed angle/distance, move, rotate, scale, split, merge, copy geometry between layers) Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
27.10. Geoprocessing tools (Buffer, Clip, Union, Intersect, Project), specific use case (finding the best location for a new city bus stop) Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
3.11. Data resource overview, web data services, geoportals Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
10.11. Raster data, raster parameters (extent, px size, px depth, bands, pyramids, spatial reference), basic symbology, terrain representation in GIS Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
17.11. --- no class (Czech national holiday) ---
24.11. Geoprocessing tools for raster data (Slope, Aspect, Reclassify, Raster Calculator) Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
1.12. Raster/vector conversion, subsequent conversion GP tools Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
8.12. ArcGIS Online, sharing data from ArcGIS Pro Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák
15.12. Assessment Project Presentation Josef Münzberger, Vojtěch Cehák