152TCV1 Adjustment Calculus 1/en: Porovnání verzí

Z GeoWikiCZ
m Založena nová stránka: == Annotation == See also course pages in Czech. {{English}}
Lukes (diskuse | příspěvky)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
== Annotation ==
== Annotation ==

Introduction to the probability theory: random event, random variable, probability, probability distribution. Random vector and its characteristics.Common probability distributions. Introduction to optimal estimation, least square adjustment.

See also course pages in [[152TCV1|Czech]].
See also course pages in [[152TCV1|Czech]].


Verze z 15. 6. 2009, 07:19


Introduction to the probability theory: random event, random variable, probability, probability distribution. Random vector and its characteristics.Common probability distributions. Introduction to optimal estimation, least square adjustment.

See also course pages in Czech.