155PHOG Photogrammetry: Porovnání verzí

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Pavelka (diskuse | příspěvky)
Pavelka (diskuse | příspěvky)
Řádek 28: Řádek 28:

* Up-to-date and complete information - '''[https://lfgm.fsv.cvut.cz/vyuka.html remote sensing lectures]'''

'''Practical exercises:''' Ing. Jindřich Hodač, PhD., Ing. Jaroslav Šedina, PhD.
'''Practical exercises:''' Ing. Jindřich Hodač, PhD., Ing. Jaroslav Šedina, PhD.

Verze z 8. 1. 2023, 17:35

Basic Information

  • 2 hours lectures per week
  • 2 hours exercises per week
  • 6 credits
  • finished with an exam
  • summer semester



Aber, James & Marzolff, Irene & Ries, Johannes. (2010). Small-format Aerial Photography: Principles, Techniques and Geoscience Applications, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780444532602

Kraus, K. Photogrammetry-Geometry from Images and Laser Scans. DeGruyter, 2007, Translated by: Ian A. Harley and Stephen Kyle, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110892871

Kraus, K.: Photogrammetry,1994,2007 De Gruyter, ISBN13 9783110190076, english

Kraus, K.: Photogrammetrie, 1994, Dümler,ISBN 3427786455, 9783427786450, german

Schenck, T.: Introduction to Photogrammetry,2005, http://www.mat.uc.pt/~gil/downloads/IntroPhoto.pdf


Lecturer: prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka

lecturer information

short prof. Dr.Ing.Karel Pavelka
detailed prof. Dr.Ing.Karel Pavelka

Practical exercises: Ing. Jindřich Hodač, PhD., Ing. Jaroslav Šedina, PhD.


Ing. Jindřich Hodač., PhD.

Ing. Jaroslav Šedina, PhD.