155MSDC Modern Methods of Spatial Data Collection: Porovnání verzí

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Pavelka (diskuse | příspěvky)
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(Nejsou zobrazeny 3 mezilehlé verze od 2 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
==Basic Information==
==Basic Information==
* 2 hours lectures per week
* Up-to-date and complete information are '''ON THIS PAGE'''
* 2 hours exercises per week
* Code: 155MSDC
* 6 credits
* Lectures: '''{{Lidé|prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka}}''', '''{{Lidé|doc. Ing. Jan Pacina, Ph.D.}}'''
* finished with an exam
* Practical classes: {{Lidé|prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka}},
** {{Lidé|doc. Ing. Jan Pacina, Ph.D.}}
* lectures per week: 2 hours
* exercises per week: 2 hours
* Credits: 6  
* finished with: an exam
* winter semester
* winter semester
A new course, introduced in 2020. It deals with modern methods that are still being developed but are already in common practice. These are mainly mobile personal laser scanners and miniaturized laser scanners for BIM, the course introduces the basics of data conversion to REVIT, the course also briefly introduces geophysical methods of subsurface non-invasive exploration (GPR and magnetometer). Part of the lectures and the application exercises are devoted to modern RPAS systems (drones) and also satellite data warehouses. A significant part deals with methods of data use and conversion into virtual reality (VR).

Řádek 17: Řádek 24:

see videos i n lectures part
see videos in lectures part

Aktuální verze z 20. 10. 2023, 13:15

Basic Information

  • Up-to-date and complete information are ON THIS PAGE
  • Code: 155MSDC
  • Lectures:

prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka, doc. Ing. Jan Pacina, Ph.D.

  • Practical classes:

prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka,

doc. Ing. Jan Pacina, Ph.D.

  • lectures per week: 2 hours
  • exercises per week: 2 hours
  • Credits: 6
  • finished with: an exam
  • winter semester

A new course, introduced in 2020. It deals with modern methods that are still being developed but are already in common practice. These are mainly mobile personal laser scanners and miniaturized laser scanners for BIM, the course introduces the basics of data conversion to REVIT, the course also briefly introduces geophysical methods of subsurface non-invasive exploration (GPR and magnetometer). Part of the lectures and the application exercises are devoted to modern RPAS systems (drones) and also satellite data warehouses. A significant part deals with methods of data use and conversion into virtual reality (VR).



De Smith, M.J., Goodchild, M.F. and Longley, P.A. (2015) Geospatial Analysis A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques, and Software Tools.




see videos in lectures part