155CART Cartography: Porovnání verzí

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(Není zobrazeno 52 mezilehlých verzí od 5 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
==Basic Information==
==Basic Information==
* 2 hours lectures per week
* Up-to-date and complete information are '''ON THIS PAGE'''
* 2 hours exercises per week
* Code: 155CART
* 6 credits
* Lectures: '''{{Lidé|prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.}}'''
* finished with an exam
* Practical classes: {{Lidé|prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.}} (head of the classes),
** {{Lidé|Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.}}
* lectures per week: 2 hours
* exercises per week: 2 hours
* Credits: 6  
* finished with: an exam
* summer semester
* summer semester

Řádek 14: Řádek 19:
# Field, Kenneth: Thematic mapping: 101 inspiring ways to visualise empirical data. Redlands, California: Esri Press, 2022.
# Field, Kenneth: Thematic mapping: 101 inspiring ways to visualise empirical data. Redlands, California: Esri Press, 2022.

'''Lecturers:'''  [[Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.]], [[prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.]]
'''Lecturers:'''  {{Lidé|Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.}}, {{Lidé|prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.}}
{| class="border"
{| class="border"
! topic !! presentation
! topic !! presentation
Řádek 25: Řádek 32:
| 3. Characteristics of cartography, cartographic works || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_03.pdf Lecture 3]
| 3. Characteristics of cartography, cartographic works || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_03.pdf Lecture 3]
| 4. Map language, content and composition || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_04.pdf Lecture 4]
| 4. Map language, content and composition || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_03.pdf Lecture 4]
| 5. Thematic maps I || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_05.pdf Lecture 5]
| 5. Thematic maps I || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_05.pdf Lecture 5]
| 6. Thematic maps II, colours and scales in maps || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_06.pdf Lecture 6]
| 6. Thematic maps II, colours and scales in maps || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_05b.pdf Lecture 6]
| 7. History of cartography || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_07.pdf Lecture 7]
| 7. History of cartography || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_07.pdf Lecture 7]
Řádek 45: Řádek 52:

| 13.12. || Interpolations, geostatistics, terrain and hydrologic analyses || || Bolstad p. 442-460; Smith p. 287-328
| 13.12. || Interpolations, geostatistics, terrain and hydrologic analyses || || Bolstad p. 442-460; Smith p. 287-328
Řádek 53: Řádek 60:

==Lectures 2024==
Thursdays, B973
Tuesday 11AM, B973
(to be updated)
{| class="border"
! date !! topic !! lecturer !! material
| 27.02. || Introduction to the course || TJ ||
| 05.03. || Map language, content and composition || TJ ||
| 12.03. || self-study  ||  ||
| 19.03. || self-study|| ||
| 26.03. || Thematic maps I + Thematic maps II, colours and scales in maps || TJ || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/books/ Slocum – TC&G, p. 90–132]
| 02.04. || Map production process, data sources, INSPIRE, copyright || TJ ||
| 09.04. || [http://rozvoj.fsv.cvut.cz/155CART/CART_lect_01.pdf Mathematical cartography] || JC||
| 16.04. || [http://maps.fsv.cvut.cz/~cajthaml/cart/CART_lect_07.pdf History of cartography and state map work] || JC ||
| 23.04. || Methods of terrain visualisation || JC ||
| 30.04. || self-study ||  ||
| 07.05. || Colours, colour spaces and reproduction || TJ ||
| 14.05. || self-study ||  ||
==Exercises 2024==
Mondays, Cs112

[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/StudyMaterials_CART.pdf Study Materials]
[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/StudyMaterials_CART.pdf Study Materials]
Řádek 65: Řádek 107:
|23. 2.
|22. 2.
|Course Introduction
|Course Introduction
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|2. 3.
|29. 2.
|Geographic vs. Projected Coordinate System
|ArcGIS Pro Basics, Spatial Data
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|Assignment 00
|9. 3.
|7. 3.
|Map Projections in Detail
|Map Projections in Detail
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/01_MapProjections.pdf Assignment 01]
|16. 3.
|Georeferencing, Geocoding
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|23. 3.
|14. 3.
|Data Resource Overview
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/01_MapProjections.pdf Assignment 01]
|30. 3.
|21. 3.
|Principles of Map Design
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/02_Georeferencing_Vectorization.pdf Assignment 02]
|6. 4.
|28. 3. (National Holiday = no class)
|no exercise, the ''Dean Day''
|MOOC Cartography (self-study)
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|13. 4.
|4. 4.
|Thematic Mapping
|Choropleth Maps 1
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/02_ColorSchemes_DataClassification.pdf Assignment 02]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/03a_ColorSchemes_DataClassification.pdf Assignment 03a]
|20. 4.
|11. 4.
|Choropleth Maps
|Choropleth Maps 2
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/03_CombinedChoropleth.pdf Assignment 03]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/03b_CombinedChoropleth.pdf Assignment 03b]
|27. 4.
|18. 4.
|Diagram Maps
|Diagram Maps
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/04_ProportionalSymbols.pdf Assignment 04]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/04_ProportionalSymbols.pdf Assignment 04]
|4. 5.
|25. 4.
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/05_Cartograms.pdf Assignment 05]
|2. 5.
|Grid Maps, Data Binning
|Grid Maps, Data Binning
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|11. 5.
|9. 5.
|Cartograms, Multivariate Mapping
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[[Ing. Vojtěch Cehák]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]
|[https://cha.fsv.cvut.cz/web/CARTE/05_Cartograms.pdf Assignment 05]
|18. 5.
|ArcGIS Online, sharing data from ArcGIS Pro
|[[Mgr. Petra Jílková]], [[Ing. Josef Münzberger]]

Aktuální verze z 26. 3. 2024, 09:02

Basic Information

  • Up-to-date and complete information are ON THIS PAGE
  • Code: 155CART
  • Lectures:

prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D.

  • Practical classes:

prof. Ing. Jiří Cajthaml, Ph.D. (head of the classes),

Ing. Tomáš Janata, Ph.D.

  • lectures per week: 2 hours
  • exercises per week: 2 hours
  • Credits: 6
  • finished with: an exam
  • summer semester


  1. Slocum, T. A., et al.: Thematic cartography and geovisualization. Prentice Hall, 2008.
  2. Brewer, C.A.: Designing better maps. Esri Press, 2005.
  3. Field, Kenneth: Cartography: A compendium of design thinking for mapmakers. Redlands, California: Esri Press, 2018.
  4. Field, Kenneth: Thematic mapping: 101 inspiring ways to visualise empirical data. Redlands, California: Esri Press, 2022.

Lectures 2024

Tuesday 11AM, B973 (to be updated)

date topic lecturer material
27.02. Introduction to the course TJ
05.03. Map language, content and composition TJ
12.03. self-study
19.03. self-study
26.03. Thematic maps I + Thematic maps II, colours and scales in maps TJ Slocum – TC&G, p. 90–132
02.04. Map production process, data sources, INSPIRE, copyright TJ
09.04. Mathematical cartography JC
16.04. History of cartography and state map work JC
23.04. Methods of terrain visualisation JC
30.04. self-study
07.05. Colours, colour spaces and reproduction TJ
14.05. self-study

Exercises 2024

Mondays, Cs112

Study Materials

Date Topic Instructors Assignment
22. 2. Course Introduction Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger
29. 2. ArcGIS Pro Basics, Spatial Data Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 00
7. 3. Map Projections in Detail Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger
14. 3. Georeferencing Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 01
21. 3. Vectorization Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 02
28. 3. (National Holiday = no class) MOOC Cartography (self-study) Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger
4. 4. Choropleth Maps 1 Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 03a
11. 4. Choropleth Maps 2 Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 03b
18. 4. Diagram Maps Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 04
25. 4. Cartograms Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger Assignment 05
2. 5. Grid Maps, Data Binning Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger
9. 5. Webmapping Ing. Vojtěch Cehák, Ing. Josef Münzberger