154MIGE Metrology in Geodesy: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
==Basic Information==
==Basic Information==
* 1 hour lectures per week
* Up-to-date and complete information - '''[https://k154.fsv.cvut.cz/vyuka/english/mige/ OFFICIAL WEBSITE]'''
* 3 hours exercises per week
* Code: 154MIGE
* 6 credits
* Lectures: '''[https://k154.fsv.cvut.cz/~linkova/ Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D.]'''
* finished with an exam
* Practical classes: Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D.
* lectures per week: 1 hours
* exercises per week: 3 hours
* Credits: 6  
* finished with: an exam
* winter semester
* winter semester

Řádek 17: Řádek 21:
Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D.
Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D. <[mailto://lenka.linkova@fsv.cvut.cz lenka.linkova@fsv.cvut.cz]>, Department od Special Geodesy, B902

Practical classes are based on individual students measurements with geodetic instruments. Procedures for testing geodetic instruments described in ČSN ISO 17 123 are applied to determine and evaluate precision of these instruments.
Practical classes are based on individual students measurements with geodetic instruments. Procedures for testing geodetic instruments described in ČSN ISO 17 123 are applied to determine and evaluate precision of these instruments.

Aktuální verze z 20. 10. 2023, 12:33

Basic Information

  • Up-to-date and complete information - OFFICIAL WEBSITE
  • Code: 154MIGE
  • Lectures: Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D.
  • Practical classes: Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D.
  • lectures per week: 1 hours
  • exercises per week: 3 hours
  • Credits: 6
  • finished with: an exam
  • winter semester


Metrological terminology, metrological regulations, evaluation of precision and accuracy of a measurement, observation errors, calibration of geodetic instruments, uncertainties in measurement, metrology in quality management system.

  1. Flack, David and Hannaford, John: Fundamental Good Practice in Dimensional Metrology, Measurement Good Practice Guide No. 80, National Physical Laboratory, UK, 2012
  2. Metrology - in short, 3rd edition, EURAMET, 2008
  3. ISO 17123 Optics and optical instruments – Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments (9 parts)
  4. ISO: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, 1995


Lecturer: Ing. Lenka Línková, Ph.D. <lenka.linkova@fsv.cvut.cz>, Department od Special Geodesy, B902


Practical classes are based on individual students measurements with geodetic instruments. Procedures for testing geodetic instruments described in ČSN ISO 17 123 are applied to determine and evaluate precision of these instruments.