155ISDP Introduction to Spatial Data Processing: Porovnání verzí

Z GeoWikiCZ
(Není zobrazeno 14 mezilehlých verzí od 2 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
==Basic Information==
==Basic Information==
* 2 hours lectures per week
* Up-to-date and complete information are '''ON THIS PAGE'''
* 2 hours exercises per week
* Code: 155ISDP
* 6 credits
* Lectures: {{lide|Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.}}
* finished with an exam / project
* Practical classes: {{lide|Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.}} (head of the classes), {{lide|Ing. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.}}
* lectures per week: 2 hours
* exercises per week: 2 hours
* Credits: 6  
* finished with: an exam / project
* summer semester
* summer semester

Řádek 12: Řádek 16:

'''Course tutors:''' [[Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.]], Ing. Ondřej Pešek, Ing. Linda Kladivová
'''Course tutors:''' {{lide|Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.}}, {{lide|Ing. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.}}

# (22.2.) Introduction into GIS, open geospatial datasets  
# (22.2.) Introduction into GIS, open geospatial datasets  
# (01.3.) Geospatial data and web services
# (01.3.) Geospatial data and web services
# (08.3.) Data processing automation
# (08.3.) Data processing automation
# (15.3.) Introduction into Python data processing
# (15.3.) Introduction into Python data processing (Esri)
# (22.3.) Geospatial Python libraries (open source)
# (22.3.) Introduction into Python data processing (open source)
# (29.3.) Geospatial Python libraries (Esri)
# (29.3.) Geospatial Python packages
# <strike>(05.4.) No tuition</strike>
# <strike>(05.4.) No tuition</strike>
# (12.4.) Space-time geospatial data processing
# (12.4.) Space-time geospatial data processing
# (19.4.) Cloud-based geospatial data processing
# (19.4.) Introduction into databases, SQL
# (26.4.) Introduction into databases, SQL
# (26.4.) Geospatial data in SQL
# (03.5.) Geospatial data in SQL
# (03.5.) Geospatial data processing in SQL
# <strike>(10.5.) No tuition</strike>
# <strike>(10.5.) No tuition</strike>
# (17.5.) Geospatial data processing in SQL
# (17.5.) Cloud-based geospatial data processing
<!--# (17.5.) Network analysis in SQL-->
<!--# (17.5.) Network analysis in SQL-->


Materials: '''https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/'''
Sample data: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/data
JupyterHub: http://gislab.fsv.cvut.cz:8000/hub
== Install instructions for MS Windows ==
* [https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-desktop JupyterLab]
In Jupyter notebook run
<syntaxhighlight lang=python>
!pip install pandas geopandas

== Literature ==
== Literature ==

Aktuální verze z 12. 12. 2024, 09:01

Basic Information

  • Up-to-date and complete information are ON THIS PAGE
  • Code: 155ISDP
  • Lectures:

Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.

  • Practical classes:

Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D. (head of the classes), Ing. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.

  • lectures per week: 2 hours
  • exercises per week: 2 hours
  • Credits: 6
  • finished with: an exam / project
  • summer semester


Introduction into geospatial data processing. Various workflow automation techniques (interactive tools, Python programming language, and Structured Query Language). Demonstration of various processing environments (desktop applications, database environments, cloud-based computing).


Course tutors: Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.

  1. (22.2.) Introduction into GIS, open geospatial datasets
  2. (01.3.) Geospatial data and web services
  3. (08.3.) Data processing automation
  4. (15.3.) Introduction into Python data processing (Esri)
  5. (22.3.) Introduction into Python data processing (open source)
  6. (29.3.) Geospatial Python packages
  7. (05.4.) No tuition
  8. (12.4.) Space-time geospatial data processing
  9. (19.4.) Introduction into databases, SQL
  10. (26.4.) Geospatial data in SQL
  11. (03.5.) Geospatial data processing in SQL
  12. (10.5.) No tuition
  13. (17.5.) Cloud-based geospatial data processing


Materials: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/

Sample data: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/data

JupyterHub: http://gislab.fsv.cvut.cz:8000/hub

Install instructions for MS Windows

In Jupyter notebook run

!pip install pandas geopandas


<bibtex> @book{neteler2004open,

 title={Open Source GIS: A Grass GIS Approach},
 author={Neteler, M. and Mitasova, H.},
 series={The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science Series},
 publisher={Kluwer Academic Pub}

} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{sherman2008desktop,

 title={Desktop GIS: Mapping the Planet With Open Source Tools},
 author={Sherman, G.E.},
 series={Pragmatic Bookshelf Series},
 publisher={Pragmatic Bookshelf}

} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{hall2008open,

 title={Open Source Approaches in Spatial Data Handling},
 author={Hall, G.B. and Leahy, M.G.},
 series={Advances in geographic information science},
 publisher={Springer London, Limited}

} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{ramm2010openstreetmap,

 title={OpenStreetMap: Using and Enhancing the Free Map of the World},
 author={Ramm, F. and Topf, J. and Chilton, S.},
 publisher={Uit Cambridge Limited}

} </bibtex> <bibtex> @book{de2007geospatial,

 title={Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools},
 author={De Smith, M.J. and Goodchild, M.F. and Longley, P.A.},

} </bibtex>