Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
{{lide|Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.}}
[[Soubor:Martin_Landa_2007.png|right|Taken in August 2007 (ristorante "Na urale", Praga) by Cristina Moretto]]
==== Personal details ====
: Family name: '''Landa'''
: First name: Martin
: Date of birth: 17th May 1981
: Place of birth: [ Louny]<ref name="louny_maps">[ Louny on]</ref>, [ Czech Republic]<ref name="cz_wikipedia">[ Czech Republic on]</ref><ref name="cz_uncyclopedia">[ Czech Republic on]</ref>
: Nationality: Czech
A short Curriculum Vitae, [ pdf-file]
: Address: [,+prague&sll=50.104485,14.389224&sspn=0.007377,0.017896&g=Thákurova+7,+160+00+Praha+6,+Praha,+Czech+Republic&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr Thakurova 7, Prague 6] (room B802)
: Loc: 50°6'11.685"N, 14°23'13.684"E
: Phone number: +420 224 354 644
: E-mail: <tt>martin.landa</tt>
: Homepage: []
==== Education ====
* currently {{bullet}} PhD., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography
** Dissertation thesis: Free Software and Open Source in Geoinformatics
* 1999-2005 {{bullet}} Ing., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography
** Master thesis: [ Implementation of a GRASS module for importing data in Czech cadastral exchange data format] (in Czech)
* 1995-1999 {{bullet}} [ Gymnázium Josefa Jungmanna] in [ Litoměřice]<ref name="ltm_maps">[ Litoměřice on]</ref>
==== Work experience ====
* Member of [ The GRASS Development team]
* 01/2007-09/2008 {{bullet}} [ FBK] ([ MPBA]), [,+18,+povo&sll=46.071302,11.123992&sspn=0.169825,0.415077&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=46.067019,11.150494&spn=0.084919,0.207539&om=1 Trento], Italy
* 10/2008-? {{bullet}} [ CTU in Prague], [ Faculty of Civil Engineering], [ Department of Mapping and Cartography]
==== Research interests ====
* [ Free Software] in geoinformatics
** Contribution in [ GRASS development]
** [ GRASSwikiCZ]
* [ Geoinformatics FCE CTU]
==== Teaching ====
===== Courses =====
* [[153YFSG|Free Software GIS]]
* [[153YZOD|Zpracování obrazových dat]] (Remote sensing)
* [[153WTE|WWW technologie]]
* [[153PIN2|Projekt - Informatika 2]]
===== Tuition =====
Room B802, ...
===== Misc =====
'''List of available topics for [[K153 - Vypsaná témata diplomových prací#Ing. Martin Landa| Bc. and MSc.]] thesis.'''
::See also [[Google Summer of Code]].
My working [ Google Calendar].
==== Skills ====
* Languages - 1 (notional) to 5 (excellent)
** Czech 4
** English 2
** Russian, Italian 1
* Computer skills
** Programming (C, C++, Python, BASH, wxPython)
** Web (XHTML, XML, PHP)
** Database systems (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
** GIS-related
*** [ GRASS]
*** [ GDAL/OGR]
*** [ PROJ4]
*** [ PostGIS]
*** [ QGIS]
==== References ====
<references />

Aktuální verze z 29. 9. 2023, 07:52